The story is based around the tradition of entertainment and pleasure of Mayfair, which owes its name to the historic market that was held here from 1686 until 1707, whilst still largely rural. The beautiful Mount Street Gardens with its central palm tree (a welcome oasis) with alms houses at its side. The natural street names – possibly based on the anglo saxon name Eia – meaning an island in reference to a rise along a stream/marsh – Hay Hill, Shepherd Market following the path of the River Tyburn. Traditionally, a fair was held here in May, and it is this event that gave its name to the whole neighborhood. Some past inhabitants include William Blake, Percy Shelley, Motzart,…fictional characters Thackery’s Vanity Fair, Woolf’s Orlando, Oscar Wildes Henry Wooton in Picture of Dorian Grey….
The flamboyant dress of the revellers and players reflects the dandyism and tailoring skills of Savile Row.
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